Curiosity Video

For each of our essays, we focused on curiosity. We wanted our video to show all of our different interests. We explored the idea that everyone is interested in and passionate about different things. Also, sometimes through learning more about one of your interests, you can find new thinks you find fascinating. Making the video was incredibly simple, and I’m very happy with the way it came together!

Movie Magic

I hate watching a movie that I don’t know the ending to. Before I sit down to watch any film, I look up the details of the plot. I find that the once I know exactly what is about to happen, I can watch from a critical standpoint. For me, watching a movie is not about the twists and turns of the plot, but instead about the way the film was made. The way the director chooses to shoot a scene, the way the actor decides to deliver their lines, even the movie reviews after its release interest me. For some people, music helps them through rough patches. They find the lyrics relate to their life, and listening to their favorite song can make them instantly feel better. While I have never found that kind of comfort in a song, I have found it in the movies.

Throughout the years, I have forced my friends and family to attend countless movies they have no interest in. I’ve also ruined their movie going experience by accidentally telling them how it ends. I will also watch movies at least twice, even if I hated it the first time. The second time I watch is only to critique it out loud, often to anyone who was unlucky enough to watch the movie with me. My mother now makes me promise her that if we watch a movie together I won’t talk at all the entire time.

Before going to see any movie, aside from looking up the ending, I read reviews on it. I find myself fascinated by the world of movie making, and love to see other people’s varying opinions on aspects of a movie I might have loved. I like to know what to look for when watching the film, and what other people thought was interesting. I am often influenced by the different opinions, be it negative or positive. While I am biased towards my favorite actors and directors, I am never opposed to criticizing their work.

                My junior year of high school, I signed up for a journalism class with my best friend. I had no idea what the class would entail, but my friend insisted that it would be an easy class for us to take. She had had the teacher before, and knew that it would be a relaxed class. Our first assignments weren’t very interesting. A couple of interviews with the school’s faculty, a piece on the environment, and one boring and poorly written story about after school activities. Our fifth assignment was to do a review of any movie. Around that time, the movie Twilight had just come out. Girls were covering their lockers with pictures of the cast, putting their pictures on their notebooks and binders wearing shirts that proudly announced that they were “Team Jacob” or “Team Edward”. I had tried to read the Twilight book, but couldn’t make it through the first couple of chapters and couldn’t understand why people loved it so much. I decided to go see the movie, and write my paper on it.

                I soon discovered that I loved to write movie reviews. I enjoyed every part of it. From seeing the actual movie, to gathering the information, to crafting the actual paper. I put so much time and energy into my Twilight review, that it quickly became my favorite assignment I’ve ever had. My journalism teacher read it aloud to the class, and asked to run it in the school newspaper. Once it ran, my harsh criticism of the film upset the school’s overly passionate Twilight fan base. I even overheard two girls in the hallway talking about Twilight, and using some of the facts I had put in my review as reasons they too disliked the movie. I loved that something I had written about something I have always been so passionate about had started a conversation amongst people I didn’t know. For a while I thought that would be my career, which it very well may one day be.

              Everything about movies intrigues me, and my curiosity only keeps growing. I have recently began making short films on my computer, and am looking into all forms of movie making. While I think my passion lies with the critiquing of films. Although I have tried to find that same desire to learn other areas, I have not found anything that peaks my interest in the way filmmaking does. I hope to continue to  pursue this and learn more about it in the future.

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